Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bridal Portraits!!

Joe from JosephMark Photography has done it again!!
I am in love with my bridal portraits!!
Joe was able to capture the exact look that I was hoping for-- shot after shot!! I am so pleased!!
I'll tell you what... JosephMark Photography is worth every penny. He nailed our engagement photos and now my bridal portraits... I just can't wait to see what he will do for our wedding! He is so talented and dedicated. As a matter of fact, we drove around for over 40 minutes to find the "perfect place" for the shot in the field. He wanted a certain color field, and he wasn't going to quit until we got the shot! The shoot ended up being 4 hours long... and I loved every minute!
Thank you to my BROTHER, who tagged along for the ENTIRE four hours to help move the settee and keep me hydrated in the 103 degree heat!!
Also, Jacquelyn and Tessa... thank you for being there and being so helpful! It's so much easier to get things done when you have wonderful friends who are there every step of the way!
So without further adieu...
(and don't worry, Eric doesn't look at my blog because he knows I post wedding dress pics, and he REALLY wants to be surprised)...
Here are my top 20 favorite shots...


L A C E Y said...

wow! they look amazing. YOU look amazing. yay!!! I'm so happy that joe is doing my wedding, too. :)

lots of love said...

You look like bridal Barbie! Perfect pictures!

Ashley :) said...

GORGEOUS! The train on your dress is amazing!

Mhar's Display said...

Hi Brianna,
The portraits are wonderfully captured. I like the Haggerty 0017, and the one on the stairs (reminds me of my wedding) :D

Best wishes to you!
