Friday, January 8, 2010

Slowly but Surely...

Well things kind of came to a halt during the holidays since I have been working about 70+ hours per week... but now that's all over with and I have time to brrreeaatheee!! YAY!!

I designed the image for our Save the Date a while back and had a company transfer the design onto a magnet. HOWEVER, when I received the magnets, the coloring, centering, and clarity were horrible! I called the company to see what could be done about fixing this major problem. Long story short, I edited the design and they are re-printing them for me... not completely free, but I'll take it. I revised the design using a larger canvas and made sure to convert the image to CMYK (which somehow slipped my mind previously, which explained the horrid orange tint to the images after printing). Anyway, below is the design that I am hopeful will be the last. I REALLY like the way they look on the computer... I just hope everything comes out this nicely when they are printed... we shall see!

(This image isn't the actual size... the magnet will be 4x6)