Monday, September 21, 2009

3rd Time's a Charm?

Eric and I have had to set 3 different dates for our Engagement Photos so far.

Sunday, August 2nd, then Sunday, August 23rd, and now Sunday, September 27th.

The first time we rescheduled because there was way too much going on and Eric and I were not prepared for the photos. The 2nd reschedule was due to Eric's horrible cold that he developed the day before our shoot... and now I am fearful of having to reschedule because September seems to be the new MONSOON SEASON here in Fort Worth, Texas! WHAT in the WORLD is going on with this weather?! I am SO sick of rain and no sunshine! I keep hoping "3rd Time's a Charm" will apply to this situation, and that the weather will not force us to reschedule and set a 4th date for the photos!!

On top of the fact that delaying them in general is frustrating because I'm looking SO forward to having these pictures taken, it is getting pretty expensive to keep rescheduling!! Think about all the prep work we have done each time... we each get our hair trimmed, I get my nails done, we like to tan a couple times so we aren't ghostly pale, I get the dogs groomed because they're going to be in a couple of the photos... etc. If I do all this again and then it rains us out, I'm going to scream!

Ok that's all... just needed to vent :)